
    Sacral Chakra

    ✨2nd Chakra - Sacral: Represented by Orange, this chakra located at the base of the spine, just below the navel. Its Sanskrit name is svadhisthana. It’s associated with our connection to other people, creativity, energy, confidence, and sexual health.

    If the sacral chakra becomes unbalanced, you will have a lack of energy flow throughout the entire body. You may feel extremely lethargic and unmotivated for life, particularly exercise and sex, leading to sadness, loneliness, and mild depression.

    Common psychological symptoms of an unbalanced sacral chakra: eating disorders, addictions, low self-confidence, dependency issues, low libido, and unbalanced emotions.

    Common physical symptoms of an unbalanced sacral chakra: kidney problems and urinary tract infections, chronic lower back pain, sexual disorders, infertility, gynecological problems, dysfunctional menstrual cycles, and problems with the intestines, spleen, and gallbladder.

    Healing the Sacral Chakra:

    Balancing and opening the sacral chakra allows you to feel energized and confident in all aspects of your life. You feel inspired and life seems to flow. People are attracted to your positive energy and opportunities open for you. With a healthy sacral chakra, you are able to live in the moment and experience life to the fullest. Physical tasks become easier while stamina increases.